These may take some getting use to for all you skeptics out there. But, I think they are a great alternative to pants or dresses for the weird in between season time that we are in now.
Plus, the menswear look is so in for the fall. Keeping the look crisp without looking too slouchy is tricky though. So, here are some looks I found on the website.
Keep it in all neutrals like the lady below.
or...add a preppy argyle vest(so gossip girl) and a bright red clutch.
you can't go wrong with all black either...
I found these gems at
These are also from Blazer + trousers + Heels = perfect menswear look!
I just purchased these from Forever 21. I plan to wear them right now with some black strappy heels, then later in the fall wearing them with black ankle boots. I hope to not look like the fashion victim that I sometimes do. Feedback would be great.